
Wiebke Denecke and Tristan Brown were awarded a grant for “Measuring the Impact of Humanities Learning in an Age of STEM”

Wiebke Denecke and Tristan Brown have garnered a grant from the MIT Integrated Learning Initiative (MITili) on “Measuring the Impact of Humanities Learning in an Age of STEM.” This project aims to analyze and assess the impact of humanistic learning on MIT undergraduates, enriching the debate at MIT and other institutions about the value and new challenges for our humanities curricula, and supplying policy-decision bodies at MIT with valuable data to guide their decisions over how to design the best possible learning experience for graduates.

For more information, read here a recent Q & A with the PIs Wiebke Denecke and Tristan Brown

Interviews and Media

The vision of our initiative was featured in Inside Higher Ed.

Our vision was featured in Inside Higher Ed. Steven Mintz, a history professor at the University of Texas at Austin, featured our vision of the initiative in his article “Internationalizing the Humanities: Can the Humanities’ Future be Global and Comparative?” on the future of the Humanities.


The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine ranked 1st among the Top Ten Open Access Social Science Books from Routledge

The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine, edited by Michael Stanley-Baker and published on June 20, 2022 by Routledge, ranked 1st among the Top Ten Open Access Social Science Books from Routledge. This handbook is a comprehensive interdisciplinary guide to traditional medicine and healing in the Chinese cultural region. It covers various aspects such as Longue Durée and Formation of Institutions and Traditions, Sickness and Healing, Food and Sex, Spiritual and Orthodox Religious Practices, and more.


Interviews and Media

Bringing “cultural diplomacy” to the classics with Professor Wiebke Denecke

Denecke was interviewed by MIT News about the international and interdisciplinary study of the humanities at MIT. During the interview, she emphasized the initiative’s mission, stating, “To create more equal societies in the present, we need to create more equality for other places and other pasts — and learn from all the riches and lessons they have to offer.” [more]