Yoh Han (Johann) Noh (魯耀翰), Research Professor at the Institute for Sinographic Literatures and Philology, Korea University where he serves as the head of the nascent Global Humanities Center. He is the Research Associate and Program Coordinator of the Global Humanities Initiative at MIT for 2023-25. His research encompasses the classical literatures and philological traditions of East Asia’s Sinographic sphere, and he is currently working on a history of Korean literary culture, on the cultural history of the Confucian Civil Service Examination in the Chosŏn period and the exam literature it produced, and on the history of Korean philology. He is currently writing a book History of the Hermeneutics of Literary Sinitic in the Early Chosŏn Period, and translating the poems of the famed literatus-monk Kim Sisŭp (1435-93) in collaboration with MIT’s Professor Wiebke Denecke for the Hsu-Tang Library of Classical Chinese Literature (Oxford University Press).
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