Whitney Cox

Whitney Cox is an Associate Professor in the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Chicago.  His main interests are in the literary and intellectual history of southern India in the early second millennium CE, especially Sanskrit poetry and poetic theory, the history of the Śaiva religion, and medieval Tamil literature and epigraphy, especially that of the Coḻa state.  He is the author of Politics, Kingship, and Poetry in Medieval South India: Moonset on Sunrise Mountain (Cambridge 2016) and Modes of Philology in Medieval South India (Brill 2017, Primus Books 2020).  He is also a member of the editorial boards of the Indian Economic and Social History Review, Philological Encounters, and the Murty Classical Library of India.  Forthcoming books include translations of The Deeds of King Vikramanka,a Sanskrit work by the 11th century poet Bilhana and the third book (The Forest) of Kamban’s twelfth century Tamil Ramayana, as well as a study of the entangled medieval histories of Kashmir and South India.

Paper title: Allusion and Translation: Indian texts, Indian theories, and the Prospects of a Global Humanities (Panel 4, 4D)